Archive for 'Blog'

Optimism Interrupted

“Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the road less traveled…
My parts broke. Not cool Robert Frost.

But what if there really were two paths? I want to be on the one that leads to awesome.”

- Kid President

I took a brief hiatus from my blog recently. I went AWOL from social media too (gasp!). I gave myself a time-out or did a Howard Hughes, as I like to call ...

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I Love a Good Comeback Story!

How does something go from being a perfectly oiled machine to a train wreck?  Have you ever been immersed in something and it was progressing great? It was like you had the Midas touch.  I’m talking you’re so smokin’ hot you’re on fire great. Then all of the sudden, POW right in the kisser and you’re laid out flat seeing stars. Has this happened to you? It’s happened to me, metaphorically speaking of course. The blueprints of life ...

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Is Your Company An E Ticket?

Is Your Company An E Ticket?

My favorite company is The Walt Disney Company.  My affection for this company bloomed not when I was a child, but in adulthood.  I grew up in Southern California, spending the first half of my impressionable years in a small suburb of Los Angeles called Westchester.  My middle class family lived in a post World War II built house located across the street from the Centinela Adobe.  The adobe was a historical home built in 1834 that had ...

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